Marte interativo


Cliquem aqui, e vejam Marte pela câmera do rover Curiosity.
É o Mars Gigapixel Panorama. Devem gastar alguns minutos a explorar Marte 😉

Podem também usar os comandos em baixo (incorporados):

Mars Gigapixel Panorama – Curiosity rover: Martian solar days 136-149 in Out of this World

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  1. Sensacional! Obrigado por compartilhar o link!

  2. Como foi feito?

    “A diligent individual by the name of Andrew Bodrov has painstakingly stitched together 407 photos from Curiosity to create something that feels like Google’s Street View, but with the Martian landscape as the subject.

    The four billion pixels that come together to form the interactive panorama were sourced from 295 images from Curiosity’s Narrow Angle Camera (NAC) and 112 from its Medium Angle Camera (MAC). The images were captured on Mars solar days 136 through 149. That’s 13 Martian days, which are about 30 minutes longer than an Earth day, worth of images put together to feel like one cohesive unit.”

  1. […] perto. Sobrevoar a superfície. Sobre­voar Valle Marineris. Passeio animado. pixeis. Mars Gigapixel Panorama. Catástrofe em 2014? Não colisão. Chuva de detritos. Estranho. Rato. Gorila. Estátua Egípcia. […]

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