
Algumas constelações, imaginadas pelos criadores do filme Shrek:

(Shrek and Donkey are sitting around a campfire. They are staring up into the sky as Shrek points out certain star constellations to Donkey.)
SHREK: (…) that’s Throwback, the only ogre to ever spit over three wheat fields.
DONKEY: (…) can you tell my future from these stars?
SHREK: The stars don’t tell the future, Donkey. They tell stories. Look, there’s Bloodnut, the Flatulent. You can guess what he’s famous for. (…) and there’s the group of hunters running away from his stench.
DONKEY: That ain’t nothin’ but a bunch of little dots.

DONKEY: So, uh, are there any donkeys up there?
SHREK: Well, there’s, um, Gabby, the Small and Annoying.
DONKEY: Okay, okay, I see it now. The big shiny one, right there. That one there?
SHREK: That’s the Moon.

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