Mais uma impressionante erupção solar

“A Nasa divulgou uma nova imagem em que mostra uma grande erupção solar (…).
(…) a erupção também ejetou grande quantidade de massa no espaço.
A erupção, além de ir em direção contrária à Terra, não se dirigiu a nenhum planeta.”
“The sun has unleashed a massive solar eruption, but it’s not expected to reach Earth, NASA scientists say.
The solar flare occurred Wednesday, when a huge wispy tendril erupted from the sun in what scientists call a solar prominence.
The sun storm was a C3 class flare and erupted from a sunspot known as sunspot 1105.
Class C3 solar flares are powerful, but not strong enough to do more than create bright auroras when they arrive at Earth.
But this flare, while impressive, was aimed away from our planet, NASA officials said.”

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