Parámos de Sonhar

Uma excelente defesa da Exploração Espacial por parte do conhecido Neil deGrasse Tyson:

“First of all, let’s clarify what the NASA budget is. Do you realize that the $850 billion dollar bailout, that sum of money is greater than the entire 50-year running budget of NASA?
And so when someone says, “We don’t have enough money for this space probe,” I’m asking, no, it’s not that you don’t have enough money, it’s that the distribution of money that you’re spending is warped in some way that you are removing the only thing that gives people something to dream about tomorrow.
You remember the 60s and 70s. You didn’t have to go more than a week before there’s an article in Life magazine, “The Home of Tomorrow,” “The City of Tomorrow,” “Transportation of Tomorrow”. All of that ended in the 1970s. After we stopped going to the Moon, it all ended. We stopped dreaming.
And so I worry that the decision that Congress makes doesn’t factor in the consequences of those decisions on tomorrow. Tomorrow’s gone. They’re playing for the quarterly report, they’re playing for the next election cycle, and that is mortgaging the actual future of this nation, and the rest of the world is going to pass us by.”

Quem diz que não há dinheiro, não sabe o que diz. O que existe sim é uma péssima distribuição do dinheiro.
O dinheiro dado aos bancos americanos para os salvar, foi superior à soma de todos os orçamentos da NASA nos últimos 50 anos!
A política pensa somente em curto prazo, e não quer saber que os avanços científicos e as inúmeras vantagens da exploração espacial são para longo prazo.

3 comentários

    • Luis Barreiros on 03/01/2012 at 16:24
    • Responder

    In the words of James Hetfield 🙂 … “Sad … but true”

    • Ricardo Andre on 28/12/2011 at 08:08
    • Responder


  1. E nem referiu os gastos com o armamento, invasões e outras coisas desse género.

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