Importância da Ciência

Uma conferência interessante patrocinada pela Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian.

Segundo o texto que consta no website:

“Science Matters (SciMat) is the new discipline that treats all human-dependent matters as part of science, wherein, humans (the material system of Homo sapiens) are studied scientifically from the perspective of complex systems. That “everything in Nature is part of science” was well recognized by Aristotle and da Vinci and many others. Yet, it is only recently, with the advent of modern science and experiences gathered in the study of evolutionary and cognitive sciences, statistical physics, complex systems and other disciplines, that we know how the human-related disciplines can be studied scientifically.
Science is a subset of human activities aiming to understand how Nature—consisting of human and nonhuman systems—works. Science is thus a human-dependent matter and hence part of SciMat. This third international conference in the biannual series features discussions on human-depending parts of science, emphasizing the philosophy, history, sociology and communication of science from the perspective of SciMat, while contributions from other topics of SciMat are welcome and encouraged.”

1 comentário

  1. Essa conferência “cai como uma luva” para aqueles que, constantemente, ficam difamando-a – tanto na tentativa de ficarem mesclando-a com pseudociência quanto nas investidas de distorcerem seus reais objetivos.

    Abraço 😀

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