Sugestão leituras

Com a Ásia ao rubro com o lançamento falhado da Coreia do Norte e o lançamento-teste o indiano de um míssil balístico, deixo aqui algumas sugestões de leitura que ajudam a compreender a importância e o impacto destes eventos na geopolítica mundial.

Todos os livros estão disponíveis no site da Amazon. São todos em inglês, porque infelizmente, não há muitos livros desta área escritos em português…



2 comentários

    • Dinis Ribeiro on 20/04/2012 at 03:49
    • Responder

    Comprei e li o “Space Weapons Earth Wars” em 2003 e penso (embora se tenham passado alguns anos) que o livro ainda é (demasiado?) actual.

    Recomendo em particular o tema:

    NATURAL METEOROIDS AS WEAPONS ( da pág 173 até á página 183 )

    Chapter Three and Appendix B used the physics of meteoroids as a
    starting point for developing an understanding of kinetic-energy
    weapons delivered from space.

    The discussions examined idealized meteoroids at sizes having effects that would be of tactical interest in conventional warfare. The impressive effects on earth of past large
    meteoroids suggest the possibility that natural objects—earthcrossing
    asteroids—could be used as weapons on a scale more suitable
    for strategic deterrence, as are nuclear arsenals.

    Such notables as Carl Sagan, in discussing means of preventing catastrophic natural
    collisions, have expressed concern about the possibility of deliberately
    deflecting an asteroid toward earth as a weapon (Harris et al., 1994; Sagan, 1994; Sagan and Ostro, 1994).

    For nations that already have nuclear arsenals, asteroid weapons
    might be of only academic interest.

    Depending on the relative difficulty of acquiring a nuclear arsenal or equivalent weapons of mass destruction, the idea might be of more practical interest to other nations.

    The decision process and motivations that might lead some nation to acquire such weapons were discussed in Chapter Six.

    This appendix will review some of the practical issues in employing asteroids as weapons.

    Já em 1997 (por exemplo) se abordava o tema neste livro:

    Entretanto, agora, todo o texto pode ser obtido grátis online a partir do site da RAND:


    Aproveito para citar um “fragmento” do texto:


    By the time very small meteoroids impact the ground, they have
    slowed to several hundred or a few thousand miles per hour. These
    meteoroids are too small for this discussion. Very large asteroids or
    comets penetrate the atmosphere as if it were not there and strike
    the ground with full force. At the larger end of this scale (diameter ≥1
    km) are asteroids, whose effects are too great to be useful for strategic
    deterrence. Threats of a mass extinction event are not likely to be

    At the lower end of the scale are meteoroids large enough
    to survive reentry to strike the ground; these represent the upper
    bound of interest for strategic deterrence. Asteroids that can survive
    to a low enough altitude to have blast effects represent the lower

    Intermediate-size asteroids explode in the atmosphere. The altitude
    at which such objects begin to explode is approximately determined
    by equating the crushing strength of the material to the local atmospheric
    density and the square of the instantaneous velocity. Asteroids
    have median entry speeds of 13 to 17 km/sec (Chyba et al.,
    1994). Iron asteroids that are only 10 m in diameter retain most of
    this speed even in the lower atmosphere. Small iron meteorites have
    crushing strengths of as much as 4,000 atmospheres. A statistical
    analysis of the weakening due to fractures would suggest slightly
    lower strengths for an object with a diameter of several meters to a
    few tens of meters (Lewis, 1997, p. 380), with fragmentation beginning
    at about 1 to 10 km. Substantial blast and heat effect could occur
    on the ground below if the fragmentation takes place near the
    lower limit of that range.

    There were at least three demonstrations of the effects in the 20th
    century alone (ordered from largest to smallest):

    • Tunguska, Siberia, June 30, 1908. An asteroid weighing about
    100,000 tons exploded at an altitude of between 2.5 and 9 km,
    with a yield equivalent to 40 megatons of TNT (Vasilyev, 1996).
    The blast felled trees over 2,500 km2 and burned 1,000 km2. Had
    this explosion taken place over an urban area in Europe, it might
    have produced 500,000 human casualties (Gallant, 1993).

    • Sikhote-Alin mountains, Kamchatka Peninsula, 1947. An asteroid
    estimated to have originally had a mass of less than 1,000
    Natural Meteoroids as Weapons 175
    tons fragmented at an altitude of around 5 km. The burst was
    high but did produce some ground effects, and the explosive
    yield was close to that of the Hiroshima and Nagasaki atomic
    bombs. Over 30 tons of material have been recovered from this
    event (Vasilyev, 1996).

    • The Amazon, August 18, 1930. This smaller but still impressive
    impact occurred in a remote region. This yield was about onetenth
    that of Tunguska, and reports of the event have resurfaced
    only in recent years (Schaefer 1998).

    Smaller asteroids produce no more damage than the psychological
    effect on the viewing population (although demonstrating the capability
    of delivering an asteroid to earth precisely and on schedule
    would have high deterrence value).

    On October 9, 1997, a fireball was observed from Santa Fe to El Paso, where it finally exploded at a height of 36 km and released energy estimated to be equivalent to
    about 500 tons of TNT (Schiff, 1997).

    Assuming a stone asteroid— since no meteorites were recovered—the diameter was estimated to be 2 m and the mass 20 tons. Similar events happen a few times each
    year. This one was notable because the meteoroid exploded high
    over a major population center.

    Much-more-energetic events have occurred recently. What was reportedly
    the brightest fireball to be seen by a satellite resulted from a
    explosion on February 1, 1994, 20 km over a remote area of the western
    Pacific Ocean; the yield was estimated at 11 to 110 kilotons. The
    object responsible was probably a stony meteoroid with a diameter
    of 7 to 15 m (Satellites Detect Record Meteor, 1994). If the El Paso
    object had been this size, the ground effects would have been very
    minor, but the population of El Paso would have had much more to
    talk about.

    In 1996, a large asteroid designated “1996 JA1” approached earth—
    453,000 km at closest. This is slightly more than the distance to the
    moon, but some asteroids have been observed passing within a fraction
    of the earth-moon distance. This particular asteroid is distinctive
    because it was observed only four days before its closest
    approach and is believed to have had a diameter over 100 m. The
    impact of such an object would produce a ground or near-ground explosion
    equivalent to a 100-megaton weapon.

    Pág 176 Space Weapons, Earth Wars

    In summary, the suitability of weapon effect depends on the combination
    of size and materials. Precise control of the effects in an impact
    area would be very challenging. An object large enough to cause
    a big explosion would generally have a high enough β to suffer only
    minor angular changes in its trajectory due to atmospheric effects.
    But even for such objects, precisely predicting the extent of destruction
    would require understanding their internal composition, including
    possible internal fracture statistics or heterogeneity, to predict
    the altitude of breakup and the extent of blast effects from the
    breakup. The breakup of the Brenham stony-iron meteorite, for example,
    produced some specimens that are essentially iron metal and
    others that are mixtures of iron and olivine, a variety of stone.



    Two well known groups of asteroids—the Atens and the Apollos—
    currently cross earth’s orbit, and each originates in the main asteroid
    belt between Jupiter and Mars. Astronomers have discovered 190
    that are over 1 km in diameter and estimate that there are 900.

    In addition, the 1,500 Amor asteroids are believed to be very large nearearth
    objects that could pose significant future danger, having the
    potential for global destruction.

    Among the smaller, potentially useful objects may be over 1 million
    asteroids over 30 m in diameter that cross the earth’s orbit
    (Rabinowitz et al., 1994; Shoemaker et al., 1995).

    The objects among them that are important for this discussion have diameters ranging
    from a few tens of meters to a few hundred meters, depending on whether they are stone or iron and on the effect desired.

    The relevant questions here are:

    • Can we reasonably expect to find enough of them?

    • Do they pass near enough to the earth to be deflected enough for
    accurate collisions with the earth?

    • Can this be done quickly enough?

    • Can we expect to find them whenever necessary?



    With some patience, waiting perhaps a month or two, suitable
    asteroids could be routinely found that would produce weapon
    effects equivalent to nuclear weapons with yields ranging from tens
    of kilotons to many megatons. With some effort, they could be
    diverted to weapon using technology (and extensive supporting
    infrastructure) similar to that for exploiting lunar materials,
    generating solar power with satellites, or defending against asteroids.

    However, at best, it would take months after a decision to use one as
    a weapon to reach the desired conclusion.

    Because much cheaper, more responsive weapons of mass destruction are readily available, this one is likely to remain safely in the realm of science fiction.

    Tendo em conta tudo o que os “seres humanos” já provaram que são capazes de fazer, a nível de crueldade para com os seus semelhantes, eu leio com uma certa preocupação a frase ” likely to remain safely in the realm of science fiction” pois os argumentos contra o seu uso são “argumentos racionais” e o comportamento humano nem sempre é suficientemente razoável, minimamente lógico ou sequer racional…

    Penso que a frase de que “com um grande poder vem (sempre?) uma grande responsabilidade” se aplica particularmente bem á tecnologia espacial, neste caso…

  1. O primeiro livro é interessante mas infelizmente está cheio de informações erradas sobre os programa espaciais do Irão, de Israel e da Coreia do Norte.

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