Imagens de Parabéns

Como sabem, hoje é o nosso aniversário: fazemos 5 anos!

No nosso Facebook, os nossos leitores não se esqueceram de nós 🙂
Recebemos centenas de felicitações, e recebemos imagens muito giras, como por exemplo:

1 comentário

    • Dinis Ribeiro on 23/04/2012 at 07:01
    • Responder

    O bolo está muito giro!

    Além das imagens há também os sons do darth vader a cantar Happy birthday… 😉

    Essa canção em video lembra talvez um bocadinho o som do HAL a cantar “Daisy”:

    Uma curiosidade:

    O característico “som da respiração” do darth vader, é feito com material de mergulho ( Scuba – self contained underwater breathing apparatus ):

    Este site tem uma entrevista (também em audio) que toca nesse assunto:

    Darth Vader: The Tragic Man Behind the Mask

    The American Film Institute defines an iconic villain as a character whose wickedness of mind and will to power may still in the end mask a tragic side.

    (Entrevistadora) SHEA: James Earl Jones provided the ominous voice for the strong man who serves an equally evil emperor. Darth Vader is clad in a shoulder-to-floor-length black cape. His head is covered by a helmet and a mask that looks like a robotic skull.

    Mr. STEVEN COOPER (Psychoanalyst): He’s hidden to us so we don’t see any part of his humanity.

    SHEA: Steven Cooper is a Boston psychoanalyst who hosts a film series called “Off the Couch.” In fact, Vader’s creator George Lucas described him as a sinister character encased in a special life-support suit.

    Ben Burtt is the sound designer for the “Star Wars” movies. And to get Vader’s mechanical breathing, Burtt went to a California dive shop, jammed a small microphone into a scuba regulator and started sucking air.

    Mr. BEN BURTT (Sound Designer): When you breathe through it you could hear the valve opening and closing. It had a little bit of a click and clank to it. And the flow of air through the narrow rubber hoses had a really cold, very hissy quality to it. It was unreal.

    (Soundbite of Darth Vader breathing)

    SHEA: Burtt went on to record heart monitors and other devices for Vader’s life-support system. Then he played the sounds for Lucas.

    Mr. BURTT: It was kind of funny. Vader sounded like a walking emergency room with everything going all at once, you know, clicking, breathing, heart thumping and all this sound. So we began stripping little sounds away one at a time.

    SHEA: They settled on just the breathing.

    (Soundbite of Darth Vader breathing)

    SHEA: That breathing became Vader’s menacing signature.

    Mr. BURTT: You know, I thought a little bit about Vader as being sort of like the crocodile in the Peter Pan stories. The crocodile would swallow the alarm clock and every time the crocodile was around – or in this case Vader – there’d be some special sound associated with him, even when he wasn’t talking, that would give an indication that he was present or lurking about, and he was dangerous.

    SHEA: Vader’s sonic threat was amplified by music composed by John Williams. The same man who created the scary theme for the shark in “Jaws.”

    (Soundbite of music from “Jaws”)

    SHEA: The music introduces and defines the character, says Dan Carlin, head of the film score department at Berklee College of Music in Boston.

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