Aleksei Leonov
A 18 de Março de 1965, Aleksei Leonov tornou-se no primeiro ser humano a “caminhar” no espaço – a sair da sua nave e “passear” no espaço.
Carlos Oliveira
Carlos F. Oliveira é astrónomo e educador científico.
Licenciatura em Gestão de Empresas.
Licenciatura em Astronomia, Ficção Científica e Comunicação Científica.
Doutoramento em Educação Científica com especialização em Astrobiologia, na Universidade do Texas.
Foi Research Affiliate-Fellow em Astrobiology Education na Universidade do Texas em Austin, EUA.
Trabalhou no Maryland Science Center, EUA, e no Astronomy Outreach Project, UK.
Recebeu dois prémios da ESA (Agência Espacial Europeia).
Realizou várias entrevistas na comunicação social Portuguesa, Britânica e Americana, e fez inúmeras palestras e actividades nos três países citados.
Criou e leccionou durante vários anos um inovador curso de Astrobiologia na Universidade do Texas, que visou transmitir conhecimento multidisciplinar de astrobiologia e desenvolver o pensamento crítico dos alunos.
3 comentários
The first teaser of the film “First Time” on the flight Alexey Leonov, COMING SOON IN 2016
Published on Mar 18, 2015
Yuri Bykov film about heroism of cosmic proportions. Attention to his new film “First Time” will be increased. Firstly, this is a new material for the director. Secondly, the theme for the Russian cinema is quite rare. Thirdly, I wonder what we’ll see this time the Earth from space. She’s always different.
The first teaser of the film – it’s just a small sketch, a hint of what we will see in the final. What is clear is that the participation of the chief specialist on Russian blockbuster Timur Bekmambetov ensures the film “First Time” entertainment and audience interest. Then it all depends on the movie.
The film is based on real events. 50 years ago – March 18, 1965 – man first spacewalk.
That man was a Soviet cosmonaut Alexei Leonov.
In 2015, the company began work on Bazelevs picture that tells in detail about this remarkable event.
Future film producers began to Yevgeny Mironov and Timur Bekmambetov. Tape “First Time” tells about the mission of the crew of the spaceship “Voskhod-2”, which included Pavel Belyayev and Alexei Leonov.
The ship’s captain was appointed Belyaev and Leonov had first come out in open space. “Voskhod-2” was launched in the Earth at ten o’clock in the morning Moscow time.
After a half hour, and still almost five minutes Alexei Leonov left the airlock.
Specifically for this mission was designed spacesuit “Berkut”, the amount of oxygen which has been designed for 30 minutes in space. However, due to the pressure difference spacesuit began to buckle.
Just how is preparation for this important stage in the development of outer space, as well as what happened in orbit, and will be discussed in the film.
Premiere will take place in 2016.
Até esse ponto eu acredito. mas o quanto é verdade do homem caminhando na lua, e transmitindo imagens pelo EUA ?