Aniversário Star Trek
A 8 de Setembro de 1966, passou pela 1ª vez na TV um episódio da famosa série Star Trek, que tanto sucesso teve nas décadas seguintes, e que ainda continua a ter!

Carlos Oliveira
Carlos F. Oliveira é astrónomo e educador científico.
Licenciatura em Gestão de Empresas.
Licenciatura em Astronomia, Ficção Científica e Comunicação Científica.
Doutoramento em Educação Científica com especialização em Astrobiologia, na Universidade do Texas.
Foi Research Affiliate-Fellow em Astrobiology Education na Universidade do Texas em Austin, EUA.
Trabalhou no Maryland Science Center, EUA, e no Astronomy Outreach Project, UK.
Recebeu dois prémios da ESA (Agência Espacial Europeia).
Realizou várias entrevistas na comunicação social Portuguesa, Britânica e Americana, e fez inúmeras palestras e actividades nos três países citados.
Criou e leccionou durante vários anos um inovador curso de Astrobiologia na Universidade do Texas, que visou transmitir conhecimento multidisciplinar de astrobiologia e desenvolver o pensamento crítico dos alunos.
1 comentário
O aspecto mais interessante para mim, é que se trata duma visão positiva do futuro, com uma harmonia “futurista” entre os diversos povos da terra…
Nesta linha, sugiro a leitura deste pequeno artigo:
For a couple of generations, it’s been a truism that good science fiction is grim science fiction.
Technology is out of control, democracy is failing, the environment ruined. Think Hunger Games, Minority Report, The Matrix, and Blade Runner, all the way back to 1984.
But science fiction writer and astrophysicist David Brin believes we’ve gotten too fond of these bummers. “It’s so easy to make money with a tale that says: ‘Civilization is garbage. Our institutions never will be helpful. Your neighbors are all useless sheep,’” he laments. “’Now enjoy a couple of characters running around shooting things and having adventures in the middle of a dystopia.’”
Dystopias are bad? That’s heresy for science fiction. But a few people are starting to agree with him, like Neal Stephenson, the author of Cryptonomicon and Snow Crash. A few years ago, Stephenson was on a panel discussion with Arizona State University President Michael Crow, and Stephenson started complaining that there were no big scientific projects to inspire people these days.
Crow shot back, “You’re the ones slacking off!” In Crow’s view, it was the writers who weren’t pulling their weight, supplying the motivating visions for science and technology.
From that discussion, Crow and Stephenson have collaborated on The Center for Science and the Imagination at ASU. And Stephenson founded a group called Project Hieroglyph, which recruits science fiction authors to write more optimistically about the future. “
I guess I had never given science fiction writers enough credit of being leaders of innovation,” Stephenson says. The writers who contribute to Project Hieroglyph don’t have to consult with scientists or engineers, but doing so “shows they’re on the right track.” Stephenson says.
Only three rules: no hyperspace, no holocausts and no hackers.
Coming from Stephenson, the bard of hackers, that’s quite a challenge.