Casual Friday – Não bebam água enquanto se estuda

Não bebam água enquanto se estuda!

Porque a química diz-nos que: A adição de água faz diminuir a concentração. 😀 😀

dontdrink water while studying

2 comentários

    • Dinis Ribeiro on 23/05/2015 at 11:04
    • Responder

    O café (talvez?) seja melhor…. 😉

    Six Tips for Staying Sharp

    According to Jennifer Beer, associate professor of psychology, social interaction keeps your mind sharp.

    But Beer says simply being social isn’t enough to stay sharp.

    You have to be interacting with others in a way that involves multitasking, problem solving and learning new things.

    In other words, playing a game of chance like War or watching a movie with others won’t give you the same boost as playing a game of strategy like Bridge or discussing a novel.

    “Not every social interaction has to be mentally stimulating.

    That would be stressful,” says Beer.

    “You want a good mix of stimulation and social acceptance.”

  1. Vou seguir o conselho… hahaha

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