Sprites sobre o Furacão Matthew

Crédito: Frankie Lucena

Crédito: Frankie Lucena

No mês passado, o furacão Matthew espalhou o medo por Cuba, República Dominicana, Haiti, Flórida, etc.

Por cima do furacão foram fotografados belos sprites vermelhos.

Estes flashes luminosos duram somente 10 milisegundos, o que os torna muito difíceis de ver a olho nu.

Fonte: Huffington Post

Crédito: CIRA

Crédito: CIRA

2 comentários

  1. O que são essas “Gravity Waves” na imagem acima, acho que elas não são ondas gravitacionais como as geradas por estrelas binárias se orbitando mutuamente certo?

    1. Sendo absolutamente sincero, não sei traduzir isso em português.

      Não são ondas gravitacionais, mas sim ondas de gravidade na atmosfera.

      No artigo diz isto:

      “Miller, the atmospheric scientist, told HuffPost Tuesday of Lucena’s photo. “They’re very faint. They almost look like stripes.”

      As Miller explained, gravity waves are the result of energy moving between the various layers of the Earth’s atmosphere. He said Lucena’s photo captures them above the mesosphere, which is the third highest layer of the Earth’s atmosphere. To put that into perspective, it’s directly above the troposphere (where humans live and most weather formation occur) and the stratosphere (where commercial jets fly).

      “At the top of the mesosphere, about 50-60 miles up, is this level of the atmosphere that’s glowing,” he said of the unique photograph.

      “A lot of energy gets released and it releases these gravity waves that propagate up and away from the storm,” he continued. “There’s actually a lot of heat being released by this hurricane. It’s like a big heat engine. …It’s just an indicator of the power of this storm.” “

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