Restaurar a Sanidade

Há dias atrás, escrevi este post.
Nele, faço uma reflexão sobre o que se vai passando actualmente, em termos sociais, em que as pessoas deixam-se controlar, quer na política quer na religião.

O John Stewart e o Stephen Colbert, pensam o mesmo.
Daí que resolveram fazer uma concentração, uma festa, para restaurar a sanidade.
O Colbert, ao seu estilo satírico, terá um encontro chamado “Mantenham Vivo o Medo” – ou seja, vive-se numa sociedade de medos irracionais.
Este encontro é pela sanidade, pela racionalidade, pela competência, pelo pensamento crítico, contra as conspirações, e contra os extremismos.
O encontro vai ser em Washington, mas podem vê-lo em directo, a 30 de Outubro, no site Comedy Central.

The Daily Show With Jon Stewart Mon – Thurs 11p / 10c
Rally to Restore Sanity Announcement
Daily Show Full Episodes Political Humor Rally to Restore Sanity

“We live in troubled times, with real people who have real problems, problems that have real but imperfect solutions that I believe 70 to 80 percent of our population could agree to try and ultimately live with. Unfortunately, the conversation and the process is controlled by the other 15 to 20 percent.”
“Why don’t we hear from the 70 to 80 percenters? Well, most likely because you have shit to do. Quite frankly, even if you didn’t have shit to do, you may lack the theatrical skills necessary for the 24-hour-a-day, seven-days-a-week news media. You may have an assault rifle, but don’t think it’s appropriate to bring to a rally.”

Ele também deu uma entrevista excelente no Larry King, onde diz:
“75 percent to 85 percent of Americans are reasonable people. They get along; they may not agree on things but they can do things. And the other 15 percent control it. The dialogue, the legislation.”
“It is in fact, not a political rally. This is for the people that are too busy, that have jobs and lives and are tired of their reflection in the media as being a divided country and a country that’s ideological and conflicted and fighting, this is for those people.”
“It’s going to shock, maybe not even just this world, other worlds. Maybe aliens.”

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